fixating bandages
Fixing bandages - which include plaster, splint, tape and plastic bandages - are used to treat pathological mobility of various joints, ligament injuries and for the conservative treatment of fractures.
There are different indications (areas of application) for the different types of fixing bandages, as the different clinical pictures cannot be treated equally well with every type of fixing bandage.
The degree of fixation with a tape as a functional dressing cannot be compared with total immobilization with a plaster dressing. Fixation can often be used to support the healing process.
Before therapy
A precise examination of the suitability of the therapy measure for the disease is absolutely necessary. Incorrect treatment of a deformity or fracture can lead to therapy-refractory (non-treatable) changes in the skeleton.
In order to avoid complications, a detailed anamnesis and examination should be carried out prior to the use of the fixation bandages with regard to existing movement restrictions, circulatory disorders, sensitivity restrictions (nerve damage) as well as skin and soft tissue changes.
The procedure
The basic principle of fixation bandages is the immobilization of joints and the correction of a malposition of a joint.
In addition to the classic fixation with plaster bandages, modern bandages, for example consisting of water-polymerising and fibre-reinforced plastics, are used more frequently (outside the scope of the SHI benefits).
After therapy
Depending on the choice of the fixing bandage and the underlying indication, regular follow-up checks are necessary.
Particularly in the case of a ziurcularly closed fixation bandage, a compartment syndrome or a congestion / circulatory disorder must be considered when complaints occur.
If you have been treated with a fixing bandage and experience pain, swelling, discoloration of the visible skin or changes in feeling in your fingers or toes, you must present yourself to a doctor immediately. Immediately also means presentation at night, on weekends or on holidays. Even a short time without adequate treatment can lead to irreparable damage. If the practice is closed, it is best to contact the nearest hospital with an emergency outpatient clinic.