
Osteoporosis is one of the most important diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In Germany, the number of osteoporosis patients is estimated at approximately eight million. The number will increase significantly in the coming years due to demographic developments. Osteoporosis is defined as a systemic skeletal disease with reduced bone mass and changes in the bony microarchitecture. The most serious consequence of osteoporosis is bone fracture. Therefore, the primary goal of all therapeutic efforts is the prevention of bone fractures. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines osteoporosis by determining bone density using the DXA method used in our practice. This measurement determines the personal fracture risk in comparison to the age group and is an essential component of a comprehensive further osteoporosis diagnosis. In our practice we have two DXA devices, whereby with the LUNAR Prodigy Advance one of the world's best diagnostic devices is available to patients. In July 2012, our practice was successfully certified as the Osteological Specialization Center (DVO) of the German-speaking osteological societies and is currently the only Outpatient Osteological Specialization Center in OWL.

Here you can make an appointment for bone density measurement.