Nationwide emergency and service numbers (24-hour service)

Emergency call: 112

    Who reports? Who reports.

    Where? Exact designation of the emergency location. Exact description of the emergency location: location, street, house number, floor, etc.

    What? Brief description of the emergency situation.

    How many? How many injured persons are to be cared for.

    Which injuries or illness? Which injuries or signs of illness do those affected have?

    Wait! Hang up first! Do not hang up until the call has been terminated by the control centre.


    This number is free of charge and valid throughout the EU. Depending on the emergency, the control centre forwards your call to the police, fire brigade or rescue service.


Medical on-call service: 116 117

    Always dial 112 in emergencies (such as heart attacks).


Pharmacy emergency service hotline:

    From the fixed network: 0800-00 22 833 (free of charge)

    From mobile phone: 22833


Poison emergency call centres of the federal states

    Baden-Wuerttemberg: 0761 19240

    Bavaria: 089 19240

    Berlin, Brandenburg: 030 19240

    Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony: 0551 19240

    Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia: 0361 730730

    North Rhine-Westphalia: 0228 19240

    Saarland: 06841 19240


For acute cases of poisoning, please state:

    Who poisoned themselves (age, sex, approximate body weight)?

    With what, when and where did the accident occur?

    How is the person currently behaving (breathing, circulation, consciousness, other symptoms)?

    Have measures already been taken?


Emergency care call: 0700 - 26 30 26 30

Telephone counselling: 0800 - 111 0 111

Block emergency call: 116 116 (EC cards, credit cards)

German lawyer central call: 0800 500 9010

ADAC: 0180 - 2 22 22 22 22